Thursday, July 25, 2019

History of Table Tennis

History of Table Tennis

The history of table tennis parallels the evolution of its equipment, which is common in many sports. The first references to the game appeared in the 1890s with early attempts to develop an indoor version of tennis. The game went by many names and was played on dining tables as a popular after-dinner entertainment. The game was played with long-handled rackets covered with velum and balls of cork or rubber. The poor quality of the balls largely led to the quick demise of these early forms of the game.
With the development of the celluloid ball in the 1920s, the game slowly began to revive. Several major game companies, such as J. Jacques & Son in England and Parker Brothers in the United States, began to successfully promote competing versions of the game under a variety of names. In the United States, the Parker Brothers trademark of Ping Pong was the most widely accepted. The game also began to grow in sport clubs throughout Europe. In 1927, the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) was formed, and the first world championships were conducted.
With the invention of the hard rubber racket in the 1930s, the game took a major leap forward.
This racket has a layer of rubber with short, hard pimples that cover the wood blade. For the first time, players could apply a moderate amount of spin to the ball, and spin strokes were developed. This allowed far more ball control and speed. The game quickly grew in popularity with the establishment of league play throughout Europe and clubs in the United States. The United States Table Tennis Association (USTTA) was formed in 1933. Although European players dominated during this era, the U.S. team was
very competitive and won several world titles.
The modern game began with the introduction of the sponge bat in the 1950s. After much experimentation, the current restrictions of rubber over a sponge layer (pimples in or out) with a maximum thickness of 4 millimeters was decided on. The Japanese, with their penhold grip, long and powerful strokes, and great footwork, were the first to capitalize on the greatly increased spin and speed that this equipment afforded. They would dominate the sport through much of the 1950s and early 1960s. The Chinese emerged on the scene in the early 1960s and quickly took over as the sport’s great innovators and begin a period of dominance that continues today. They pioneered the fastattack style of play and showed the world the importance of developing a strong serve and serve–return game. Although China has dominated the sport in recent years, many players from other Asian nations and many European players have broken through to gain individual world and Olympic titles.
Table tennis made its Olympic debut at the Seoul Olympics in 1988, at which point it gained true worldwide recognition. National Olympic committees from around the world began pouring money and support into creating medal contenders, and the overall caliber of play rose everywhere. Since that time, continual advancements in equipment have led to faster  and faster play. As in all sports, the professional
table tennis athlete has had to become bigger, stronger, and faster.
Table tennis is now one of the largest participation sports in the world. The ITTF consists of 204 member countries. The ITTF conducts many world events including yearly world championships, world cups, and an international pro tour. Along with these events, the ITTF conducts an international junior development program consisting of camps, an international junior circuit, and world junior and cadet championships. There are also more than 100 yearly development courses conducted worldwide, offering training for coaches, officials, and athletes.
USA Table Tennis (formerly the USTTA) is the governing body for table tennis in the United States. It consists of a network of hundreds of local clubs and sanctioned tournaments. More than 17 million people in the United States play table tennis on a recreational level, but only about 50,000 play in organized club settings. Of these, more than 7,000 take part in competitions. When you compare this number to the more than 20 million serious players in China, or the almost one million participants in the German national league, it is clear that the United States has a long way to go to become competitive with the rest of the world.
With strong professional leagues existing throughout much of Europe and Asia, along with the ITTF pro tour, more and more professional athletes are making a good living playing table tennis. Although China continues to hold its lead, winning many of the world’s major titles, the rest of the world is narrowing the gap.

Sumber: Richard McAfee                                       

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Keseimbangan dalam Pencak Silat


Keseimbangan statik maupun dinamis merupakan komponen penunjang dalam olahraga pencak silat. Kemampuan menjaga keseimbangan tubuh dan pengerahan tenaga pada kaki sering menjadi hal yang dominan dapat menentukan efektifnya tendangan yang dilakukan. Jadi, serangan dengan menggunakan tendangan dilakukan dengan mengangkat kaki penendang setinggi lutut, lalu dengan mengendalikan keseimbangan gerakan kaki ke sasaran yang hendak dicapai. Apabila tendangan dapat dilakukan dengan mengerahkan kekuatan dan kecepatan dengan kontraksi maksimal (tenaga eskplosif) pada kaki penendang ke arah tubuh atau bagian tubuh lawan,tentu hasilnya akan lebih efektif.

Mengajarkan Teknik Melompat

Banyak metode dapat digunakan untuk mengajar keterampilan dalam nomor lompat, pada prinsipnya sama dengan pemanfaatan metode mengajar atau metode melatih untuk setiap jenis keterampilan. Nomor lompat termasuk dalam klasifikasi jenis keterampilan yang bersifat kombinasi asiklis. Artinya ada gerakan siklis yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan gerakan asiklis sehingga dapat memanfaatkan metode bagian maupun keseluruhan.
Nomor lompat konsentrasi gerakannya ada pada unsur-unsur berikut:
  • bertumpu/bertolak dari lari awalan
  • gerakana di dalam fase melayang
  • pendaratan
Butir-butir untuk penekanan:
  • Meningkatkan frekuensi langkah pada akhir lari ancang-ancang.
  • Menginjakkan kaki aktif dengan seluruh telapak pada saat bertumpu.
  • Menggerakkan kaki depan yang kuat saat bertumpu.
  • Sendi-sendi pinggang, lutut, dan mata kaki diluruskan penuh pada saat bertolak.
Point-point yang harus dihindari:
  • Menurunkan kecepatan diakhir lari awalan.
  • Menurunkan titik pusat massa dalam persiapan untuk bertolak.
  • Tumpuan tolakan dengan tumit.
  • Lompatan dalam posisi berdiri.
  • Prematur pada fase melayang.

Kecepatan Reaksi Kaki dalam Pencak Silat

Kecepatan Reaksi Kaki dalam Pencak Silat
Reaksi adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk segera bertindak secepatnya dalam menanggapi rangsangan yang di timbulkan lewat indera, syaraf atau feeling lainnya (Halim, 2009:17).

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dasar-Dasar Lompat

Dasar-Dasar Lompat

A. Teori
Pertama kali melihat empat nomor lompat dalam atletik mungkin nampak sangat berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Dari sudut pandang teknik mulai dari lompat jauh yang relatif sederhana, lompat tinggi dan lompat jangkit sampai dengan nomor yang rumit seperti lompat tinggi galah. Namun, ada sejumlah hal umum yang sangat penting diantara nomor lompat, menarik untuk dipahami yang akan menjadikan suatu prestasi mengagumkan.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monday, May 6, 2019

Lari Halang Rintang

Lari Halang Rintang

Urutan gerak lari halang rintang secara keseluruhan.

Lari Halang rintang terdiri dari tiga unsur:
  • Lari diantara rintangan.
  • Lari melewati rintangan yang dapat dirinci menjadi: bertolak, bertumpu, melewati rintangan, dan mendarat.
  • Melewati bak rintangan air yang dapat dirinci menjadi: tahap-tahap bertolak, melewati, dan melompat/mendarat.
  • Dalam berlari antara rintangan, pelari menempuh jarak itu dengan menggunakan tehnik dan taktik yang mirip untuk lomba lari jarak menengah dan jauh.
  • Dalam tahap-tahap melewati rintangan dan bak air, pelari memperkecil lama waktu melayang dan gangguan terhadap gerakan lari.

History of Table Tennis

History of Table Tennis The history of table tennis parallels the evolution of its equipment, which is common in many sports. The fi...